Children cannot give consent.
This is why they are our dependents!
This is why we are their guardians!
Your stories are important as they help make others aware of your concerns, such as other parents, schools, health care workers and politicians!
They will only know there is an issue if we TELL them!
Have you had negative experiences in schools, community groups or health care settings relating to the push for gender ideology and affirmation? Did you consent to your children learning about this ideology?
The LGBTQI+ “anti-bullying” and "respectful relationship" programs in our schools aim to promote inclusivity.
Does tolerance work both ways?
We are seeing increased frustration from staff, parents, children and health care workers who do not align with this ideology, such as using pronouns, sexual books in libraries, unisex bathrooms, children accessing bathrooms/changerooms/dorms/sports of the sex they identify with and NOT providing parental permission for children to participate in gender affirmation classes/presentations/discussions.
Share Your Experience:
I am a preschool teachers assistant and I'm concerned over the latest gender equality assessment tool and legislation being forced upon us and the literature being brought in by some staff to read to 3 and 4 year olds.
An ABC of Equality written by Chana Ginelle Ewing
C is for Class.
F is for Feminism.
G is for Gender. Be yourself! "Gender is a category that describes the inside feeling of being a boy, a girl, both, neither and everything in between"
L is for LGBTQIA. "LGBTQIA is a short description of a range of identities to describe lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, asexual. It's ok to be whoever you want to be"
O is for Oppression. "Oppression is when the rules are unjust or unequal and human rights are treated unfairly on an ongoing basis"
P is for Privilege. "Be aware of your advantages". "Privilege is when a human being receives benefits and advantages based on a category like gender or class or an ability like seeing and hearing".
S is for Sex. "When a baby arrives, the doctor will say it's a boy or girl depending on their understanding of the baby's body. This is their sex".
T is for Transgender. "You know best who you are!" "Sometimes the sex given by the doctor at birth might not fit with how that person feels. A 'male' baby may have been assigned the 'boy' category but their feeling inside may be that of a 'girl', or perhaps no gender assignment at all".
X is for Xenophobia. "Xenophobia is when a person is afraid of someone who has immigrated to their country. Sometimes human beings are scared of what they don't know or understand".
Z is for Ze. "Get to know she, he, zir, they and more". "Ze is a way to refer to someone instead of using 'he' or 'she'. Because there are lots of different genders, there are lots of ways of describing someone including he/she/they/ze and more"
How did it make you feel and why?
I am highly concerned for the children being taught things they do not need to be taught at a young age. It makes me feel extremely angry and worried.
Was there any followup with this experience?
We have to use a reflection tool at preschool for gender equality
What I would like to happen is?
We get rid of the literature supporting such legislation.
Share Your Experience:
My 10 year old year 5 daughter comes home the other day saying how an ESO in her classroom was showing a group of kids including herself some footage from a LGBTQ etc parade on the weekend. The video was of a Transgender person running in high heels and they all had a lovely chuckle about it!
This principal is already not a fan of mine as we have had words before about her not letting me be a volunteer (registered with police check) at my daughters sports day when she knew it was up to her NOT Catholic Ed, but then was short on volunteers (wonder why?) so put out a letter asking people to help and that they did NOT have to be a registered volunteer! So effectively, a paedophile could help the class but an unvaccinated person like myself could not. I was furious to say the least.
It is becoming so 'normal' that even teachers in primary school are thinking that it is totally fine to brainwash an innocent childs mind with notions of mixed genders, yet not even considering the mental health consequences of confusion to kids at their most vulnerable time going through puberty.
One of her best friends (a boy) has just told her that he thinks he might be gay. What's next, he'll tell her he wants to be a girl? And then what? Years later when he actually knows who is really is, be it gay, straight or whatever, it's too late! This is just criminal and our governments have blood on their hands.
I also had a phone call with the principal of an all girls high school that my daughter has been accepted in. I had heard (again thanks Guardians) that there was a biological boy attending that school. I asked her directly if this was true, to which she tried and tried to not answer, other than that every student at her school identifies as a girl. I questioned her on this and gave her some information regarding the dangers around this and encouraging her to look further into what is really going on with these poor kids. She was adamant she was being 'Godly' by being inclusive of everyone, however I fail to see how she is being inclusive of the 'actual' girls that attend that school as I'm pretty sure they nor their parents had any say in the fact that a biological boy will be attending. I questioned her about bathrooms, changerooms, sports, mental health issues, the child changing their mind and then being in the total wrong environment causing even more mental health issues that my child will be around etc etc.
We had to end the call with agreeing to disagree. I asked her if my daughter is not safe in an all girls catholic school could she please tell me where she is and where I should send her? She assured me her kids are safe :\
This 'Gender Agenda' is getting way out of hand. If anyone knows of a school not participating in this nonsense please reach out!
How did it make you feel and why?
Angry but most of all sad. Sad for our kids that they have to be the guinea pigs in this crap!
Was there any followup with this experience?
I have spoken to the teacher and emailed the principal along with 'Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum' letter (thanks to Guardians for that!). She replied that she will speak with the ESO as no teachers are to share anything from their personal phones. She made zero mention about the nature of the video.
What I would like to happen is?
I would love to see a group of principals and teachers come together, look into this stuff and stand UP against it.
Share Your Experience:
We became aware after talking with our son (13) of the extent of the material and behaviours that are being driven in the ‘shine’ class he attends. As well as the gender dysphoria and the woke ideologies, if he questioned anything or had a differing opinion, ie there are only 2 genders, when they are trying to push eighty odd, then he was shamed with words or unhappy faces drawn on the board next to his name.
How did it make you feel and why?
For us these actions and personal content being articulated are ‘grooming’ our young and impressionable people that are just trying to find their individuality.
School should be a safe place of learning that has debate and encourages critical thinking, not blatant indoctrination.
Was there any follow up with this experience?
We contacted the headteacher via email with our concerns and also attached the filled out letter (from Guardians SA) regarding our position on the child protection curriculum.
To be fair the head was keen to understand our concerns and promised to get back to us after they had looked into it.
After a week long investigation they were happy to assist in our son being exempt from any part of any class that had this content and consultation was had as to what useful things he could do instead. There was also an apology for him feeling like sharing diverse opinions had resulted in disciplinary actions.
What I would like to happen is?
It would be great if more parents talk to their kids and find out the extent of what they are being subjected to. If you are not happy with what you find out, then say so! There will not be a class if the majority of the students are not there to teach.
We were told 'As a public education site, we adhere to the Supporting gender diverse, intersex and sexually diverse children and young people policy'. They do not ask your permission and your silence is implied consent.
Share Your Experience:
We became aware after talking with our son (13) of the extent of the material and behaviours that are being driven in the ‘shine’ class he attends. As well as the gender dysphoria and the woke ideologies, if he questioned anything or had a differing opinion, ie there are only 2 genders, when they are trying to push eighty odd, then he was shamed with words or unhappy faces drawn on the board next to his name.
How did it make you feel and why?
For us these actions and personal content being articulated are ‘grooming’ our young and impressionable people that are just trying to find their individuality.
School should be a safe place of learning that has debate and encourages critical thinking, not blatant indoctrination.
Was there any follow up with this experience?
We contacted the headteacher via email with our concerns and also attached the filled out letter (from Guardians SA) regarding our position on the child protection curriculum.
To be fair the head was keen to understand our concerns and promised to get back to us after they had looked into it.
After a week long investigation they were happy to assist in our son being exempt from any part of any class that had this content and consultation was had as to what useful things he could do instead. There was also an apology for him feeling like sharing diverse opinions had resulted in disciplinary actions.
What I would like to happen is?
It would be great if more parents talk to their kids and find out the extent of what they are being subjected to. If you are not happy with what you find out, then say so! There will not be a class if the majority of the students are not there to teach.
We were told 'As a public education site, we adhere to the Supporting gender diverse, intersex and sexually diverse children and young people policy'. They do not ask your permission and your silence is implied consent.
Share Your Experience:
My daughter was 13 at the time in year 8. I wrote a letter to her school leadership giving her permission to choose not to participate in sex education if she felt uncomfortable. A few weeks later my daughter came home from school saying that her class watched a M rated movie for sex Ed. I was not given a parent consent form. The movie was called Moxie, a Netflix movie. My daughter said there was a sex scene "two 16 yr olds in a car, fogged windows, kissing and touching each other, the boy was shirtless". She said she felt uncomfortable and was covering her eyes, she also said that all the kids in her class were uncomfortable.
The teacher told the kids "don't worry about it kids, you'll be doing this soon".
The next day I went to the school to complain about this. The front office personnel told me that " teacher's can use whatever resources they want to teach the curriculum " I told them "no they can't. By law teachers much get parental consent for movies that are PG or M rated, especially that this movie was M rated and my daughter was under 15" I gave them a copy of the teacher resources guidelines from the department for education.
How did it make you feel and why?
I felt angry. This teacher not only broke the law by showing a 13 year old a M rated movie, she ignored my email to withdraw my daughter from the experience as my request, and her remark to the class was encouraging this behaviour. This teacher is nothing but a glorified groomer.
Was there any follow up with this experience?
I reported this to the school leadership and to the education ministers office.
We are now home-schooling.
What I would like to happen is?
Parents to be consulted and listened to.
Share Your Experience:
My daughter was 13 at the time in year 8. I wrote a letter to her school leadership giving her permission to choose not to participate in sex education if she felt uncomfortable. A few weeks later my daughter came home from school saying that her class watched a M rated movie for sex Ed. I was not given a parent consent form. The movie was called Moxie, a Netflix movie. My daughter said there was a sex scene "two 16 yr olds in a car, fogged windows, kissing and touching each other, the boy was shirtless". She said she felt uncomfortable and was covering her eyes, she also said that all the kids in her class were uncomfortable.
The teacher told the kids "don't worry about it kids, you'll be doing this soon".
The next day I went to the school to complain about this. The front office personnel told me that " teacher's can use whatever resources they want to teach the curriculum " I told them "no they can't. By law teachers much get parental consent for movies that are PG or M rated, especially that this movie was M rated and my daughter was under 15" I gave them a copy of the teacher resources guidelines from the department for education.
How did it make you feel and why?
I felt angry. This teacher not only broke the law by showing a 13 year old a M rated movie, she ignored my email to withdraw my daughter from the experience as my request, and her remark to the class was encouraging this behaviour. This teacher is nothing but a glorified groomer.
Was there any follow up with this experience?
I reported this to the school leadership and to the education ministers office.
We are now home-schooling.
What I would like to happen is?
Parents to be consulted and listened to.
My child complained to me about the increasing amount of Rainbow, Transsexual and "Toxic Masculinity" material being posted around his outer Southern suburbs primary/high school.
I thought how bad could it be, so I asked him to take some photos for me so I could understand.
Well, the next day he had 20 different photos from all different classrooms.
It seemed out of control.
Further to that I found out they have a Rainbow room in the office, a Rainbow staircase, pride month in the library, wear it purple day, IDAHOBIT day, gender/homosexual display books in the library and that's what I know of.
Last time I checked a school was for reading and writing. Not a self help counselling centre full of LGBTQI/gender affirmation paraphernalia.
It seems a lot of stems from the Shine SA program.
It came to a head when the school installed a Transexual Rainbow flag pole with no consultation and conducted a ceremony asking children to attend, which he informed me most refused. “We hate it”, he said. Only 2 of the 20 odd students in his class went out for it and the teacher apparently looked very disappointed.
I was furious. Called the school to complain and got blocked by the front office staff. No one from the school leadership group called me back.
Next I find a teacher has their social media open of themselves dressing as a drag queen in sexual poses. Kids sharing it around at the school.
What the heck is going on here?!
After my complaints were ignored from the school I forced the Department for Education to intervene.
I met the Principal who fed me generic answers about inclusivity.
I stressed what is going on is out of control and where is the limit?
It's sexualisation of children and indirect sexual education of my child without my parental consent. The principal could care less about my concerns. It's scary he couldn't see my point of view whatsoever at all.
After getting nowhere, I pushed the complaint further with the Department for Education.
After investigating themselves they sent me to a policy link of gender ideology the department invented.
I asked where is the limit on Rainbow paraphernalia? Where is the policy on non government flags? Who is auditing this stuff?
They tried to close the complaint.
The complaint is still ongoing because I keep sending more evidence stopping them from closing the complaint. However, this is not going anywhere inside the education department.
They will do absolutely nothing.
What does anyone do next when you're up against these people plastering a school with this stuff and system fully captured, fully on board?
Who are these teachers?
Will they target my child now because of my complaints against them? Are they actually dangerous ideologues?
These are all questions I need to consider going forward, I shouldn't be put in this situation. This isn't what I signed up for at the school.
These children are not being protected. Parents don't how full on it is in the school. I didn't know. Now I do, but I don't know where to go from here.....
How did it make you feel and why?
Was there any followup with this experience?
Full system complaint, no action by the education department
What I would like to happen is?
Find other parents at the school who think the same as me
“I think what you guys are doing is great for our generation. We have been sucked into a spiral of madness and it needs to stop.
Some things I can bring up are
- men changing in woman's bathrooms at school
- humans identifying as animals
- suspensions due to not respecting ones pronouns or identity
- school assignments being given around this topic
I do genuinely believe the world has gone mad and is heading in a terrible direction. When someone comes to me saying they think they are multiple people and have multiple personalities, we say they have a disorder.
This gender identity is another form of that. It's degrading to women in the sense that people are saying trans men can now have children. It’s frustrating being forced to play along with this narrative in prime years of childhood.
People confuse sexuality with gender. If you’re a boy who likes to play with dolls, you don’t need to be a girl to do that.
This causes parents to put their kids on hormone blockers at such a young age which later leads to regret and unchangeable actions. This has opened a door to absurdity and it’s a shame what this world has come to.
This ethical issue will increase as time goes on. It is a given that it will not stop, but some solutions that can be made are building more disabled bathrooms on school premises, not unisex, as it condones higher statistics of sexual assault.
I should not feel uncomfortable using the school bathrooms during break times or undressing in an all girls change room.
Spread awareness for this because it is your children who will be suffering”
By providing your details, we can also aim to connect you with other people at your school for future action.
Your details will be kept private. Once your story is published, only your first name and status (ie. Student / Parent / Worker etc...) will be displayed.
What was your experience? Tell your story in your own words (we may edit your story to ensure confidentiality and appropriateness of content).
Some examples…
Were you bullied for not wanting to use pronouns?
Were you forced to complete an essay about gender preferences?
Were you exposed to inappropriate content?
Were you forced to share bathrooms with the opposite sex?
Are you made to teach inappropriate content?
Is there a policy or guideline you are concerned about?
Is an adult leading you in any way?
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Guardians SA is an action group that aims to protect and empower our sons, daughters and fellow Guardians with information and the formation of local community groups, to support one another during the current situation.
Our Core Group Values:
💚 Lead with Love
☮️ Personal Freedom
🔗 Inclusivity
✊ Call to Action
Guardians SA is for current residents of South Australia.
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