Welcome to Guardians SA

Guardians SA is an action group that aims to protect and empower our sons, daughters and fellow Guardians with information and the formation of local community groups, to support one another during the current situation.

Our Core Group Values:

💚 Lead with Love

☮️ Personal Freedom

🔗 Inclusivity

✊ Call to Action

Parental Rights - A Commonsense Approach to Safeguarding Our Children

Guardians South Australia in collaboration with 4 The Kids

(and supported by Flag On The Hill), are hosting a parent forum with national guest speakers.

Register your interest and we will notify you when tickets are available.

Helpful Links & Resources

SOS - Share Our Stories

School Bullying & Exposure to Gender Affirmation

Your stories are important as they help make others aware of your concerns, such as other parents, schools, health care workers and politicians!

Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum

PARENTS LETTER TO PRINCIPAL - TEMPLATE. A professional letter template you can utilise to help you keep your children safe at school with regards to the social construction of gender, gender diversity, gender dysphoria and gender transitioning.

State Parliamentary Petition

Over the months since we started on this campaign, Angela Rojas has met more and more people who also share similar concerns with regards to challenging sexually explicit books for children in our public libraries.

The biggest question I get asked is "How can I help?"

Please participate in the State Parliamentary Petition. We need 10000 signatures minimum.

New Resources Centre

Coming Soon!

To keep in the loop and updated direct to your INBOX. Subscribe to Guardians SA's Newsletter!

Your information is safe and secure. We never share your information.

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